Joachim Breitner


Published 2023-02-27 in sections English, Digital World.

Because it seemed useful, and it seems it did not exist yet, I created a small tool called git-multisect. You point it to a git repo, give it a version range and a command to run, and it will list those commits that affect the output of the command.

Here is an example (with a slightly complex invocation):

$ \
	-C ~/build/nixpkgs \
	-f $(nix flake metadata ~/nixos --json|jq -r ".locks.nodes[.locks.nodes[.locks.root].inputs.nixpkgs].locked.rev") \
	-t release-22.11 \
	-c 'nix path-info --derivation '\
	   '~/ '\
	   '--no-update-lock-file '\
	   '--override-input nixpkgs ~/"build/nixpkgs?rev=$REV"' \
	--hide-stderr --log-option=--pretty=medium
Found 39 commits
[39 total,  0 relevant,  0 irrelevant,  0 skipped, 39 unknown] inspecing 2fb7d74 ...
[39 total,  0 relevant,  0 irrelevant,  0 skipped, 39 unknown] inspecing 569163e ...
[39 total,  0 relevant,  0 irrelevant,  0 skipped, 39 unknown] inspecing 5642ce8 ...
[39 total,  0 relevant,  0 irrelevant,  0 skipped, 39 unknown] inspecing e0c8cf8 ...
[39 total,  0 relevant,  1 irrelevant,  8 skipped, 30 unknown] inspecing 89d0361 ...
[39 total,  0 relevant,  1 irrelevant,  8 skipped, 30 unknown] inspecing d1c7e63 ...
[39 total,  0 relevant,  2 irrelevant,  9 skipped, 28 unknown] inspecing e6d5772 ...
[39 total,  0 relevant,  3 irrelevant,  9 skipped, 27 unknown] inspecing a099526 ...
[39 total,  1 relevant,  4 irrelevant,  9 skipped, 25 unknown] inspecing 854312a ...
[39 total,  1 relevant,  5 irrelevant, 10 skipped, 23 unknown] inspecing 95043dc ...
[39 total,  1 relevant,  6 irrelevant, 10 skipped, 22 unknown] inspecing 0cf4274 ...
[39 total,  2 relevant,  8 irrelevant, 29 skipped,  0 unknown] done

commit a0995268af8ba0336a81344a3bf6a50d6d6481b2
Author: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
Date:   Sat Feb 18 10:45:11 2023 -0800

    linux_{5_15,6_1}: revert patch to fix Equinix Metal bonded networking with `ice` driver (#216955)
commit 0cf4274b5d06325bd16dbf879a30981bc283e58a
Merge: 95043dc713d 532f3aa6052
Author: Pierre Bourdon <>
Date:   Sun Feb 19 23:37:48 2023 +0900

    Merge pull request #217121 from NixOS/backport-216463-to-release-22.11

    [Backport release-22.11] sudo: 1.9.12p2 -> 1.9.13

As you can see it tries to be clever to not even look at commits that come between two commits where the output is equal (like git-bisect).

Over at you’ll find more explanations and examples. Hope you’ll maybe remember this when you find you’ll need it, and that it will prove to be useful.


Have something to say? You can post a comment by sending an e-Mail to me at <>, and I will include it here.