Joachim Breitner

Zero-downtime upgrades of Internet Computer canisters

Published 2021-11-28 in sections English, Internet Computer.

TL;DR: Zero-downtime upgrades are possible if you stick to the basic actor model.


DFINITY’s Internet Computer provides a kind of serverless compute platform, where the services are WebAssemmbly programs called “canisters”. These services run without stopping (or at least that’s what it feels like from the service’s perspective; this is called “orthogonal persistence”), and process one message after another. Messages not only come from the outside (“ingress” calls), but are also exchanged between canisters.

On top of these uni-directional messages, the system provides the concept of “inter-canister calls”, which associates a respondse message with the outgoing message, and guarantees that a response will come. This RPC-like interface allows canister developers to program in the popular async/await model, where these inter-canister calls look almost like normal function calls, and the subsequent code is suspended until the response comes back.

The problem

This is all very well, until you try to upgrade your canister, i.e. install new code to fix a bug or add a feature. Because if you used the await pattern, there may still be suspended computations waiting for the response. If you swap out the program now, the code of that suspended computation will no longer be present, and the response cannot be handled! Worse, because of an infelicity with the current system’s API, when the response comes back, it may actually corrupt your service’s state.

That is why upgrading a canister requires stopping it first, which means waiting for all outstanding calls to come back. During this time, your canister is not available for new calls (so there is downtime), and worse, the length of the downtime is at the whims of the canisters you called – they could withhold the response ad infinitum, rendering your canister unupgradeable.

Clearly, this is not acceptable for any serious application. In this post, I’ll explore some of the ways to mitigate this problem, and how to create canisters that are safely instantanously (no downtime) upgradeable.

It’s a spectrum

Some canisters are trivially upgradeable, for others all hope is lost; it depends on what the canister does and how. As an overview, here is the spectrum:

  1. A canister that never performs inter-canister calls can always be upgraded without stopping.
  2. A canister that only does one-way calls, and does them in a particular way (see below), can always be upgraded without stopping.
  3. A canister that performs calls, and where it is acceptable to simply drop outstanding repsonses, can always be upgraded without stopping, once the System API has been improved and your Canister Development Kit (CDK; Motoko or Rust) has adapted.
  4. A canister that performs calls, but uses explicit continuations to handle, responses instead of the await-convenience, based on an eventually fixed System API, can be upgradeded without stopping, and will even handle responses afterwards.
  5. A canister that uses await to do inter-canister call cannot be upgraded without stopping.

In this post I will explain 2, which is possible now, in more detail. Variant 3 and 4 only become reality if and when the System API has improved.

One-way calls

A one-way call is a call where you don’t care about the response; neither the replied data, nor possible failure conditions.

Since you don’t care about the response, you can pass an invalid continuation to the system (technical detail: a Wasm table index of -1). Because it is invalid for any (realistic) Wasm module, it will stay invalid even after an upgrade, and the problem of silent corruption mentioned above is avoided. And otherwise it’s fine for this to be invalid: it means the canister “traps” once the response comes back, which is harmeless (and possibly even cheaper than a do-nothing computation).

This requires your CDK to support this kind of call. Mostly incidential, Motoko (and Candid) actually have the concept of one-way call in their type system, namely shared functions with return type () instead of async ... (Motoko is actually older than the system, and not every prediction about what the system will provide has proven successful). So, pending this PR to be released, Motoko will implement one-way calls in this way. On Rust, you have to use the System API directly or wait for cdk-rs to provide this ability (patches welcome, happy to advise).

You might wonder: How are calls useful if I don’t get to look at the response? Of course, this is a set-back – calls with responses are useful, and await is convenient. And if you have to integrate with an existing service that only provides normal calls, you are out of luck.

But if you get to design the canister and all called canisters together, it may be possible to use only one-way messages. You’d be programming in the plain actor model now, with all its advantages (simple concurrency, easy to upgrade, general robustness).

Consider for example a token ledger canister, not unlike the ICP ledger canister. For the most part, it doesn’t have to do any outgoing calls (and thus be trivially upgradeble). But say we need to add notify functionality, where the ledger canister tells other canisters about a transaction. This is a good example for a one-way call: Maybe the ledger canister doesn’t care if that notification was received? The ICP leder does care (once it comes back successful, this particular notification cannot be sent again), but maybe your ledger can do it differently: let the other canister confirm the receip via another one-way call, instead of via the reply; or simply charge for each notification and do not worry about repeated notifications.

Maybe you want to add archiving functionality, where the ledger canister streams its data to an archive canister. There, again, instead of using successful responses to confirm receipt, the archive canister can ping the ledger canister with the latest received index directly.

Yes, it changes the programming model a bit, and all involved parties have to play together, but the gain (zero-downtime upgrades) is quite valuable, and removes a fair number of other sources of issues.

And in the future?

The above is possible with today’s Internet Computer. If the System API gets improves the way I hope it will be, you have a possible middle ground: You still don’t get to use await and instead have to write your response handler as separate functions, but this way you can call any canister again, and you get the system’s assistance in mapping responses to calls. With this in place, any canister can be rewritten to a form that supports zero-downtime upgrades, without affecting its interface or what the canister can do.


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